When planning to sell your home, coming up with the right price can seem like a very difficult process. There is a lot of data to sift through and you might feel a little lost.
Here is a list of information, to help you come up with the right price for your house.
Some local realty sites publish this information on their websites. Using an online search engine is a good first step to take before you make any phone calls or visit any offices. That way, you can get an idea of what information is available without a lot of inconvenience for yourself.
Realtors will have plenty of experience in your area and be aware of recent sales, even if their office didn't make the sale. Contact the realty office and see if any agents are willing to talk about recent sales. Remember to get all the necessary information about the sale, including at least the selling price, date of sale, square footage, year built, and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Newspapers often publish information on local property sales. You can scan the real estate section for information on recent sales. Bear in mind that you might not get all of the information you need solely from a newspaper. You'll probably still have to contact a real estate agent for all of the necessary information